Hi folks, I'm back again. Sorry for my disappearance once again. Sometimes I get so busy with other stuff as clicking pictures, but no time to edit, morning workout, home stuffs etc., those're the very reason I couldn't be appeared on my blog, it reduces my Google ratings, I know, but....
Today I'm gonna talk about photo manipulations, I have done over the years. Some captured by me, a few aren't, some logos n all. Over all its not just about photography stuffs but more!!
Let's jump in!!
I'm in the field of photography since 2019, a few years ago, ya know. But before that I just used to edit pictures taking from Google n edit the image in my way.
As this one!! 😁
Did it in 2015, as much as I remember...
On Adobe Photoshop CS6
Used layer mask here.
I just loved to do these kinda additions to images & it was always fun to me. Once it was my one & only entertainment as it could make me happy n relaxed at any kinda situation.
Look at this one!!
Did it in 2016 on the same software...
Used some blending effects here.
I did one more as the one above!!
I made a logo of "The King Of Pop" in the year 2016, it was another kind of photo manipulation effect I used for my Graphic design portfolio.
I can show you another manipulation effect of masking, blending & more in the next one!!
See this ⬇️ one made in early 2017, tried to give heaven's look n there's some feathers 🪶 around the man covering in the clouds ⛅!!
May not be the better one 🙃
Now I'm gonna share some random image manipulations I've done till today.
The date & year given on the image is just I've fantasized (I made this manipulation on the same date & year), actually I'm a bigger fan of "King Of Pop"!!
Now it's time to share some image manipulations, the photos are captured by me since 2019!!
Done this year.
Clicked & edited by me..
Clicked & edited by me..
Clicked & edited by me..
Clicked by me..
Edited by me..
Clicked & edited by me..
Clicked & edited by me..
Clicked by me & edited by me..
Clicked & edited by me..
Clicked & edited by me..

Clicked & edited by me..
Clicked & edited by me..
Let's go fishing 🎣
Clicked & edited by me..
Some softwares & mobile photo editing apps have been helpful for me to continue my interest in photo manipulation effects.
Yeah, pals you all can try Photoshop of any version & picsart Mobile app or desktop software for getting unexpectedly beautiful photo manipulation effects...
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